3 min readOct 20, 2024

The Dark Side of Social Media

Social Media Dark Side:

Understanding Unintended Aftermaths

Social media has made every dimension of engagement, communication, and interaction in life with other human beings. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are examples of the more related social media platforms that have become essential parts of our daily lives due to billions of active users around the world. However, what is largely devalued and stands for a knot tangle skein of unsuspected consequences which affect our health-our minds, emotional well-being, and physical health.

Mental Health Issues

1. Anxiety and Depression:

The contents curation through social media provide so much hype, which provides much lower self-esteem and more feelings of inadequacy.

2. Cyber ​​Configuration:

The online medical surveys, intimidations have overwhelmed; stress has increased, and emotional stress too.

3 Lack of sleep:

Exposure to screens and constant notifications disturb the pattern of sleep and heighten issues in mental health.

Emotional effects

1. Social Comparison:

There is no real depreciation of jealousy, dissatisfaction and loneliness when more and more comparison of self with others is done.

2. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):

Obsession with connection and being informed breeds anxiety and inadequacy

3. Loss of Empathy:

Reducing experiences through face-to-face interactions reduces our sympathies for others.

Physical Health Implications

1. Sitting Behavior:

The social network abuse forces a person to sit and makes him prone to obesity and eventually can succumb him to diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

2.Eye Strain and Posture Problems:

The inhibitions in front of the screen for long durations cause eye strain, headache, and bad posture

3. Addiction:

The social network does all this and activates the brain’s reward systems and can provoke the happy chemicals to be released.

1 and 1, Social Isolation: it makes it more isolated in real life because of the destruction of relationships and communities.

2. Disinformation and misinformation:

The social media sites will most likely spread some information which will mostly feed confusion, mistrust, and social unrest.

3. Loss of Focus:

It breaks the ability to focus because it constantly flips between platforms and notifications.

Breaking the Loop

Count the negative effects of social media on it by one or more of the above strategies:

1. Boundaries

Set time limits for screen in front, thus defining social media free zones.

2. Self-service:

Does exercise, mindfulness, relevant independent activities

3 Seek real connections:

Relationships and getting involved with social groups

4. Track the usage

Track time spent on social media, and work upon the improvement of that behavior.

5. Seek professional help:

if these social media problems are not improving, then one should seek to find a mental health care provider.


There are dark layers of social media that need attention and effort. We need to be able to identify the unintentional consequences, and we should start with measures that work against those outcomes so that we can possibly be able to enjoy the benefits of our social media while having protection for our wellness. It’s time to step back and take a step away from our relationship with social media. It’s time to address how we can have a more balanced life between our lives online and those living offline.

More Resources

-National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Social Media and Mental Health
American Psychological Association (APA) - Social Media and Mental Health

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